Returns Policy
Your satisfaction is very important to us. You may easily return unused items within 30 days for a refund by clicking on this link. We'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.) or if the product has an unacceptable defect—otherwise the return shipping will be deducted from your refund. Boards that have warped and cracked under normal usage are also returnable for 30 days, as long as they weren't immersed in water. Custom boards generally can't be returned or get a refund unless due to poor workmanship, damage upon shipping or a serious error on what was requested.
Feel free to return an item via the automated link according to these guidelines, or if you're unsure, then please Contact Us with your order number and details about the product you would like to return.
Shipping for outgoing U.S. orders is typically via UPS for cutting boards and heavier items and via the United States Postal Service (USPS) first-class mail for lighter items, including board balm and linseed oil. Outside the U.S., please enter your address so that our shipping services will provide the best rate available to us. If you'd like us to try to find a better rate, please drop us a line.
For Canada, we are working hard to eliminate any large "entry fees" or "brokerage fees" by avoiding FedEx and UPS and instead using a service that routes the packages through the U.S. Postal Service and Canada Post. We really appreciate our Canadian customers and their patience as we navigate the provincial import taxes. Some packages will generate small fees that have to be paid by the customer, and while we seek ways aroudn these, we cannot be held responsible for any country's duties or taxes.